In 1958, one man started what would become one of the oldest, largest, and most successful programs of its kind in the world, Teen Challenge International. Rev. David Wilkerson began the initiative as an outreach to drug addicts and gang members in New York, writing the bestseller The Cross and the Switchblade detailing his experience. In the decades that followed, Teen Challenge evolved into an international faith-based drug rehabilitation program with one of the highest success rates in the world. Wilkerson passed away in 2011, but his ministry continues to grow, with over 1100 centers worldwide, helping tens of thousands of people each year.
We are an addiction recovery and Christian discipleship program for men and women struggling with life-controlling problems. We provide a safe and loving environment where people can receive the holistic care and long-term counseling necessary to change their lives.
We take a faith-based approach to addiction recovery. We invite ATC participants into a life-affirming discipleship process to transform their habits, community involvement, relationships, and vocation.
We are putting Hope within reach!
P.O. Box 270
Lincoln, AL 35096